Weird Dreams? That May Be The Point
"I dreamed that the lady who ran the organic health food store where my seventh grade creative writing class met to use the computers...

Reactions to Positive and Negative Events Better With Sleep
You might have noticed how, after a night of poor sleep, any sort of stress you experience feels magnified. Now a new study from the...

Anxious? Here's One Thing You Need
It’s estimated that some 40 million American adults have an anxiety disorder, and the condition is also rising among children and teens,...

Take 9 Hours and Call Me in the Morning
Sleep: we all know it’s important. We all know we should be getting 7 to 9 hours a night. And yet one in five U.S. adults regularly fails...

Sleeping on the Job
For most of us, the thought of getting caught sleeping at our desks is stressful enough to send our brains a zippy little wake-up shot of...

The Key of You: The Symphony of Your Biological Clocks
Western medicine prides itself on the ability to diagnose and treat a variety of maladies that a very short time ago were considered...

Performance Hacking Sleep
What is the evolutionary purpose of sleep? Doesn’t it seem like a huge concession to spend a third of your life inactive? Or is it an...

Sing a Song of Willpower
“Oh, the thigh bone’s connected to the leg bone and the leg bone’s connected to the…” You probably learned some version of this classic...

Save a Life: Take a Nap
Are you sleep-deprived? If you’re a working adult in America, I can probably answer the question for you: yes. Or at least,...

Are You Brainwashed? Hopefully Yes.
When you think of brainwashing, the name Patty Hearst might come to mind. Daughter of the late newspaper tycoon Randolph Hearst, in 1974,...